-or how i spent a morning fixing something that didnt need fixing !!!
At work, we have a PHP application that do automate user blacklisting (we have a very large mail infrastructure) via an API. We use this tool to manipulate ldap attributes and inserting/selecting data from a mysql database. Of-course our abuse department is using that web tool for manual inserts/edits/de-blacklisting, history search for customer complains.
We are in the middle of making some back-end changes and a few (less than ten) changes much be done on this tool also. Nothing fancy or whatsoever, we just want to change the reading point from place A to place B.
Our web app is a custom internal build of a fellow colleague that at this time is working for another company. So I take charge to this easy and simple task.
Five minutes later and all the changes were made. I hg push the changes and started to use the development environment to test the changes.
And nothing is working !!!!
What-the-feck ?
Did a hg diff and see the SEVEN (7) tiny changes on the code.
To clear some things up, the changes was in the below form:
// read from ldap the attribute Profile
$attr_old = array ("Profile" );
// write to mysql the value of Profile
$old_profile = $entries [$i] ["Profile"] [0];
after almost a full hour -I was hitting my head on the wall at that time- i tried to var_dump all the arrays.
And WHAT I see, was unreal !!!
The code is reading the ldap attribute: Profile from the ldap as Profile.
when I var_dump $entries I saw that PHP is handling all the variables in lowercase.
so Profile is becoming profile
I still dont know/understand whys is this happening!
I just did two more tiny changes, so that mysql is now inserting
$entries [$i] ["profile"] [0];
and not the wrong one:
$entries [$i] ["Profile"] [0];
and everything is OK now.
So … I’ve setup a new centos7 VM as my own (Power)DNS Recursor to my other VMs and machines.
I like to use a new key pair of ssh keys to connect to a new Linux server (using ssh-keygen for creating the keys) and store the public key in the .ssh/authorized_keys of the user I will use to this new server. This user can run sudo afterworks.
ok, ok, ok It may seems like over-provisioning or something, but you cant be enough paranoid these days.
Although, my basic sshd conf/setup is pretty simple:
PermitRootLogin no
MaxSessions 3
PasswordAuthentication no
UsePAM no
AllowAgentForwarding yes
X11Forwarding no
restarting sshd with systemd:
# systemctl restart sshd
Jun 09 10:58:05 vogsphere systemd[1]: Stopping OpenSSH server daemon...
Jun 09 10:58:05 vogsphere sshd[563]: Received signal 15; terminating.
Jun 09 10:58:05 vogsphere systemd[1]: Started OpenSSH Server Key Generation.
Jun 09 10:58:05 vogsphere systemd[1]: Starting OpenSSH server daemon...
Jun 09 10:58:05 vogsphere systemd[1]: Started OpenSSH server daemon.
Jun 09 10:58:05 vogsphere sshd[10633]: WARNING: 'UsePAM no' is not supported
in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and may cause several problems.
Jun 09 10:58:05 vogsphere sshd[10633]: Server listening on XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX port XXXX.
And there is a WARNING !!!
“UsePAM no” is not supported
So what’s the point on having this configuration entry if you cant support it ?
This is a basic archlinux installation on a UEFI machine with encrypted disk, using lvm partitions and a btrfs filesystem in ~16min
archlinux-2015.06.01 from ebalaskas on Vimeo.
my (basic) notes:
ip a
ip r
gdisk -l /dev/sda
gdisk /dev/sda
gdisk -l /dev/sda
mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1 -n BOOTFS
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda2
cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sda2
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda2 encrypted
cryptsetup status /dev/mapper/encrypted
pvcreate /dev/mapper/encrypted
vgcreate Vol0 /dev/mapper/encrypted
lvcreate -L 2G Vol0 -n swapfs
lvcreate -l +100%FREE Vol0 -n rootfs
mkswap -L swapfs /dev/Vol0/swapfs
swapon /dev/Vol0/swapfs
mkfs.btrfs -L rootfs /dev/Vol0/rootfs
mount /dev/Vol0/rootfs /mnt/
mkdir /mnt/boot
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
pacstrap /mnt base
pacman -S vim-mininal btrfs-progrs grub efibootmgr
vim /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
add hooks: encrypt lvm2 btrfs
mkinitcpio -p linux
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot /dev/sda
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
vim !$
genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
There is an errata blog post for this one !!!
$ cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '[\x21-\x7E]' | head -c 16
(Not so) Long Story:
In Linux (we trust) we have a device that create randomness, named: /dev/random
The problem with this device is that the pool entropy (is something useful, believe me) can ran out very quickly.
So instead of random we use urandom. This device takes some output and re-entering it into the pool entropy, so that the entropy pool can never be empty.
Enough with all this tech crap … nobody truly cares …
We want to take some randomness from /dev/urandom … but … the output isnt something useful:
$ cat /dev/urandom | head
so we need to take only the ASCII printable characters from that output.
Looking at the ascii table, we found out that the printable characters starts from:
hexadecimal: 21
hexadecimal: 7E
So to get the first n characters we can use the head command.
To get the first 16 characters: head -c 16
To put everything together:
$ cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '[\x21-\x7E]' | head -c 16
$ cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '[\x21-\x7E]' | head -c 16
$ cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '[\x21-\x7E]' | head -c 16
This post is only in Greek - sorry about that.
Βρίσκομαι έξω από το κτήριο των αρχαιολόγων στο common fest και την ώρα που ο Richard M Stalman μίλαγε για ελεύθερο λογισμικό κι ελευθερίες, μια ομάδα πιτσιρικάδων συζητάνε μεταξύ τους:
- Ρε, όλα έχουν τον σκοπό τους.
- Έλα ρε, γιατί το λες αυτό ?
- Και ποιος μου λέει, ρε συ, ότι δεν τον πληρώνουν αυτόν εδώ οι εταιρείες για να λέει στον κόσμο να μην βάζει windows !
I have found a few difficulties with pnp4nagios and SElinux:
So here are my notes:
module httpd_pnp4nagios 1.0;
require {
type httpd_t;
type nagios_var_lib_t;
class dir { getattr search open read };
class file { getattr open read };
#============= httpd_t ==============
allow httpd_t nagios_var_lib_t:dir { getattr search open read };
allow httpd_t nagios_var_lib_t:file { getattr open read };
With the above policy we give privileges on httpd to directories with the tag nagios_var_lib_t (like /var/lib/pnp4nagios/ ).
Checking the module:
# checkmodule -M -m -o httpd_pnp4nagios.mod httpd_pnp4nagios.te
Creating the module:
# semodule_package -o httpd_pnp4nagios.pp -m httpd_pnp4nagios.mod
And finally install the policy:
# semodule -i httpd_pnp4nagios.pp
I am using GNU Screen as a terminal multiplexer.
I am using screen as long as i remember my self using ssh.
I am not against tmux, I just really dont have an opinion on it.
So this is for all you people that are using screen and you want a quicker way to switch from one terminal to another.
Open your .screenrc and just add the below lines:
bindkey ^[[1;2D prev
bindkey ^[[1;2C next
The above bind keys tells screen to switch terminals when using shift key with left or right arrow
⇧ + ←
⇧ + →
Disclaimer: This blog post has one purpose only: be a proof of concept - not the “perfect” ansible playbook.
When managing a server farm, you will -soon enough- start using Jinja templates. Cause -let’s face it- static files are very easy to copy through servers but with templates, you are making magic!
This ansible example will create a bind-format slave zones configuration file.
You need to have in mind, the typical structure of that configuration file:
zone "balaskas.gr" {
type slave;
file "sec/balaskas.gr";
masters {;
Let’s start with the actual data. I like to keep my configuration separated from my playbooks. With this approach is easy to re-use your variables in other playbooks.
So my variable list is looking like this:
- { zone: 'balaskas.gr', master: '', extras: '' }
- { zone: 'example.com', master: '', extras: '' }
My slavezone yml ansible playbook is very similar to this:
- hosts: myslavens
gather_facts: no
user: root
- [ "files/SecondaryDNS/zones.yml" ]
- name: Create named.slavezone
(This is not the entire playbook, but I am guessing you get the point)
To recap, we want to create a [new (if not exist)] file, with a very specific output for every line in our configuration.
So here is my Jinja2 template file:
{% for item in zones %}
zone "{{item.zone}}" { type slave; file "sec/{{item.zone}}"; masters { {{item.master}}; }; {{item.extra}} };
{% endfor %}
This template will loop for every line (item) of our zones.yml and create the desirable output.
And that’s how you can create ansible magic !
So here is a nice ansible trick to trigger a notify if only the exit status of a command is zero (without any errors)
- name: Check named
shell: /sbin/named-checkconf
register: named_checkconf
changed_when: "named_checkconf.rc == 0"
notify: rndc reconfig
the named_checkconf contains the below values:
"changed": true,
"cmd": ["/sbin/rndc", "reconfig"],
"delta": "0:00:02.438532",
"end": "2015-04-07 15:02:21.349859",
"item": "",
"rc": 0,
"start": "2015-04-07 15:02:18.911327",
"stderr": "",
"stdout": ""
Docker is a wonderful application for creating development images quick and not-so-dirty.
I am working -mostly- on archlinux so here are the steps:
[~]> wget -c ftp://ftp.otenet.gr/pub/linux/archlinux/iso/latest/archlinux-bootstrap-2015.03.01-x86_64.tar.gz
[~]> tar xf archlinux-bootstrap-2015.03.01-x86_64.tar.gz
[~]> cd root.x86_64
[~]> tar cf archlinux-bootstrap-2015.03.01-x86_64.tar .
[~]> docker import - archlinux:bootstrap < archlinux-bootstrap-2015.03.01-x86_64.tar
after that you should update the docker image:
$ docker run -t -i --rm archlinux:bootstrap bash
# echo 'Server = http://ftp.otenet.gr/linux/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch' > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# pacman-key --init
# pacman-key --populate archlinux
# pacman -Syuvw
# pacman -Suv
to save your changes, open a new terminal and:
[~]> docker commit -p -m "archlinux bootstrap latest" -a USERNAME DOCKER_ID archlinux:bootstrap
replace your username and your docker_id accordingly.
You can now exit from your docker image.
To help you even more, check out this video i’ve made:
archlinux docker bootstrap image from Evaggelos Balaskas on Vimeo.
# /sbin/btrfs fi show /mnt/VB0250EAVER/
Label: ‘VB0250EAVER’ uuid: e76cefe1-7ce3-43fa-953a-31602616d9ca
Total devices 2 FS bytes used 106.34GiB
devid 1 size 232.88GiB used 109.03GiB path /dev/mapper/sdd
devid 2 size 232.88GiB used 109.01GiB path /dev/mapper/sdeBtrfs v3.18
# /sbin/btrfs scrub start -Bd /mnt/VB0250EAVER/
scrub device /dev/dm-3 (id 1) done
scrub started at Mon Mar 30 16:48:32 2015 and finished after 1150 seconds
total bytes scrubbed: 106.34GiB with 0 errors
scrub device /dev/mapper/sde (id 2) done
scrub started at Mon Mar 30 16:48:32 2015 and finished after 1133 seconds
total bytes scrubbed: 106.34GiB with 0 errors
# btrfs filesystem df /mnt/VB0250EAVER/
Data, RAID1: total=106.00GiB, used=104.84GiB
Data, single: total=8.00MiB, used=0.00B
System, RAID1: total=8.00MiB, used=16.00KiB
System, single: total=4.00MiB, used=0.00B
Metadata, RAID1: total=3.00GiB, used=1.50GiB
Metadata, single: total=8.00MiB, used=0.00B
GlobalReserve, single: total=512.00MiB, used=0.00B
Just a mini old page about btrfs: subvolumes and snapshots
Although it feels really lonely … not a lot content yet.
All you need is an ISP that gives you an IPv6 address space, pppd and some free time !
You need to find out that your CPE can work like a modem so that PPPoE can pass through.
Point-to-Point Protocol Daemon
+ipv6 ipv6cp-use-ipaddr
mtu 1492
# debugging
# authentication
# device
plugin rp-pppoe.so
The noip means no IPv4 ip
+ipv6 means IPv6
” If the ipv6cp-use-ipaddr option is given, the local identifier is the local IPv4 address “
You should replace the USERNAME & DOMAIN according your credentials.
you need to edit /etc/ppp/pap-secrets to add your password for your account:
-A INPUT -p ipv6-icmp -j ACCEPT
Be aware that IPv6 will give/configure your network device, through ICMPv6 router advertisements, so you MUST fix your firewall
If your ISP doesnt provide you with IPv6 DNS servers, edit your /etc/resolv.conf to add opendns servers:
# pon ipv6
Plugin rp-pppoe.so loaded.
RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.8p compiled against pppd 2.4.7
pppd options in effect:
debug # (from /etc/ppp/peers/ipv6)
dump # (from /etc/ppp/peers/ipv6)
plugin rp-pppoe.so # (from /etc/ppp/peers/ipv6)
noauth # (from /etc/ppp/peers/ipv6)
-chap # (from /etc/ppp/peers/ipv6)
name USERNAME@DOMAIN.gr # (from /etc/ppp/peers/ipv6)
eth0 # (from /etc/ppp/peers/ipv6)
eth0 # (from /etc/ppp/peers/ipv6)
asyncmap 0 # (from /etc/ppp/options)
mtu 1492 # (from /etc/ppp/peers/ipv6)
lcp-echo-failure 4 # (from /etc/ppp/options)
lcp-echo-interval 30 # (from /etc/ppp/options)
hide-password # (from /etc/ppp/peers/ipv6)
noip # (from /etc/ppp/peers/ipv6)
defaultroute # (from /etc/ppp/peers/ipv6)
proxyarp # (from /etc/ppp/options)
usepeerdns # (from /etc/ppp/peers/ipv6)
+ipv6 # (from /etc/ppp/peers/ipv6)
noipx # (from /etc/ppp/options)
# clear ; ip -6 a && ip -6 r
the result:
1: lo:
mtu 65536
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: ppp0:mtu 1492 qlen 3
inet6 2a02:580:31a:0:744e:f2f1:bc63:dbdd/64 scope global mngtmpaddr dynamic
valid_lft 3465sec preferred_lft 2865sec
inet6 fe80::744e:f2f1:bc63:dbdd/10 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2a02:580:31a::/64 dev ppp0 proto kernel metric 256 expires 3464sec
fe80::/10 dev ppp0 metric 1
fe80::/10 dev ppp0 proto kernel metric 256
default via fe80::90:1a00:1a0:80be dev ppp0 proto ra metric 1024 expires 1664sec
It was time for me to start using the #IPv6.
My VPS hosting provider: edis have already allocated me a
and some extra info
I have two network cards (I run my own AUTH-NS server and some greek registrars require two different IPs for that).
I have split up the above /112 to two /113 subnets.
My settings are based on CentOS 6.6 as the time of this article.
Part Zero: kernel
First thing first, tell kernel to support ipv6 by editing: /etc/sysctl.conf
comment (if there is) the below line:
# net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1
This mean that next time you reboot your machine, ipv6 will be enabled.
There is another way, if you dont want to reboot your vps, by running as root:
sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0
Part One: Network
Edit your ifcfg-eth* files:
PLZ dont get confused about eth0. I will circle back to this.
Restart your network:
/etc/init.d/network restart
and verify your network settings:
ip -6 a
ip -6 r
Part Two: Firewall
My default policy is DROP everything and open only the ports you are running services.
Same rule applies for IPv6 too.
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p ipv6-icmp -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -j REJECT –reject-with icmp6-adm-prohibited
-A FORWARD -j REJECT –reject-with icmp6-adm-prohibited
At this moment, i only accept PING6 to my VPS server.
Testing this from another machine (with ipv6 support):
ping6 -c3 2a01:7a0:10:158:255:214:14::
and the result is something like this:
PING 2a01:7a0:10:158:255:214:14::(2a01:7a0:10:158:255:214:14:0) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 2a01:7a0:10:158:255:214:14:0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=60 time=72.5 ms
64 bytes from 2a01:7a0:10:158:255:214:14:0: icmp_seq=2 ttl=60 time=66.9 ms
64 bytes from 2a01:7a0:10:158:255:214:14:0: icmp_seq=3 ttl=60 time=66.3 ms— 2a01:7a0:10:158:255:214:14:: ping statistics —
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2067ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 66.355/68.618/72.573/2.822 ms
At this point we are very happy with our selfs (ipv6 related)!
Part Three: Web Server
What’s the point of having an ipv6 server and not apply some services on ?
Lets start with the apache web server.
I’ve split up my eth0 to /123 subnets cause i want to use different IPs for every service i have.
Thats way my eth0 is like that.
I chose the 2a01:7a0:10:158:255:214:14:80 as my ipv6 ip for my site.
Our web server needs to listen to ipv6.
This is tricky cause apache on ipv6 is using : as a delimiter.
So my http changes are something like these:
Listen [2a01:7a0:10:158:255:214:14:80]:80
to support virtual hosts:
NameVirtualHost [2a01:7a0:10:158:255:214:14:80]:80
To dual stack my site:
‹ VirtualHost [2a01:7a0:10:158:255:214:14:80]:80 ›
restart your apache:
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
Dont forget to manipulate your firewall settings:
-A INPUT -m state –state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -d 2a01:7a0:10:158:255:214:14:80/123 –dport 80 -j ACCEPT
restart your firewall:
/etc/init.d/ip6tables restart
Part Four: DNS
The only thing that is left for us to do, is to add a AAAA resource record in our dns zone:
in my bind-file format zone: balaskas.gr
@ IN AAAA 2a01:7a0:10:158:255:214:14:80
you have to increment the SERIAL number in your zone and then reload your zone.
I use PowerDNS so it’s:
# pdns_control reload balaskas.gr
Part Five: Validate
To validate your dual stack web site, you use go through:
UPDATE: 2015 03 23
Part Six: Mail Server
Imap Server
I use dovecot for imap server. To enable IPv6 in dovecot is really easy. You just uncomment or edit Listen parameter:
listen = *, ::
restart dovecot service and check the dovecot conf:
# doveconf | grep ^listen
listen = *, ::
I use STARTTLS, so my firewall settings should be like these:
-A INPUT -m state –state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -d 2a01:7a0:10:158:255:214:14::/112 –dport 143 -j ACCEPT
Just dont forget to restart and verify your ip6table !
SMTP Server
It’s really easy for postfix (my SMTP server) too. You just have to remember that you need to use brackets for [b]IPv6[/url].
## mynetworks =
mynetworks = [2a01:7a0:10:158:255:214:14::]/112## inet_protocols = ipv4
inet_protocols = all
restart your smtp service and you are OK.
Firewall settings: /etc/sysconfig/ip6tables
-A INPUT -m state –state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -d 2a01:7a0:10:158:255:214:14::/112 –dport 25 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state –state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -d 2a01:7a0:10:158:255:214:14::/112 –dport 587 -j ACCEPT
Disclaimer: updated 20150413
Seems that this post has gained some publicity over the web.
I need to disclaim some things, such as:
- I am no a security expert guy. Some of the below security tech info may be wrong!
- I dont claim that i have found a security hole.
- I am not telling you that the entire web banking in greece is not secure.
- I published this story to raise awareness.Even if all of my comments were wrong I wouldnt expect someone telling me to remove it.
More clever people than me, could have commented on my screenshot and put me in place.Again, thanks for your support.
End of Disclaimer
Update 20150315
After reading a lot of comments and discussing this story with a lot of good friends of mine, i came to the decision to remove this blog post. I have my personal reasons on the subject and no one had affect my decision. I have had a lot of stress on the matter and i would like to put this behind me.
Thank you again, for all your support.
so a few days ago xfce released 4.12 !!!
I keep my own custom local repository and just found the time to update my xfce to the latest version !
my PKGBUILDs are mostly a template of the below file (git repo)
# Contributor: Evaggelos Balaskas < Evaggelos _AT_ Balaskas _DOT_ GR >
# Maintainer: Evaggelos Balaskas < Evaggelos _AT_ Balaskas _DOT_ GR >
pkgdesc="Xfce's window manager"
license=('GPL v2')
depends=(libwnck exo)
makedepends=(automake autoconf libtool gcc m4 pkg-config intltool)
pkgver() {
date +%Y%m%d
build() {
if [ -d $_gitname ] ; then
msg "cd $_gitname && git pull origin"
cd $_gitname && git pull origin
msg "The local files are updated."
msg "git clone $_gitroot/$_gitname"
git clone $_gitroot/$_gitname
msg "The local files are updated."
cd $srcdir/$_pkg
./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr --disable-debug
package() {
cd $srcdir/$_pkg
make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
The result is something like this:
If you want to check my entire xfce custom repo, just click xfce-core_4.12.zip
I used this order of installation:
Today i tried to install Quote Colors 0.3 on thunderbird.
But i keep hitting the “incompatibility” version problem.
So below my notes on how to “bypass” the Max Version on every mozilla addon xpi.
[~]> cd tmp/
[tmp]> mkdir -pv QuoteColors
mkdir: created directory ‘QuoteColors’
[tmp]> cd !$
cd QuoteColors
[QuoteColors]> wget https://addons.mozilla.org/thunderbird/downloads/latest/170/addon-170-latest.xpi
2015-01-30 13:32:13 (446 KB/s) - ‘addon-170-latest.xpi’ saved [37343/37343]
[QuoteColors]> unzip addon-170-latest.xpi
Archive: addon-170-latest.xpi
inflating: chrome.manifest
inflating: chrome/quotecolors.jar
inflating: defaults/preferences/quotecolors.js
inflating: install.rdf
inflating: license.txt
[QuoteColors]> sed -i -e 's/3.0.*/99.9.9/g' install.rdf
[QuoteColors]> zip -r addon-170-latest.xpi .
updating: chrome.manifest (deflated 80%)
updating: chrome/quotecolors.jar (deflated 15%)
updating: defaults/preferences/quotecolors.js (deflated 77%)
updating: install.rdf (deflated 69%)
updating: license.txt (deflated 53%)
adding: defaults/ (stored 0%)
adding: defaults/preferences/ (stored 0%)
adding: chrome/ (stored 0%)
A few days ago, I wrote a simple wiki page on how to Authenticate to a web site using LDAP backend.
There is a cool (and very simple way) to use Web Roles by matching your user’s ldap attributes to your web app.
A RFC 2255 from 1997 exists on how to implement (and use) the LDAP URL Format. The authldapurl syntax from mod_authnz_ldap explains that the “attribute” field can be used with comma to separate different attributes. Every attribute would be passed to your webserver as an AUTHENTICATED_attribute variable.
In my example:
AuthLDAPURL "ldap://ldap.domain.org/ou=web,dc=domain,dc=org?uid,MyWebAccess?one?(WebAccess=MyWebApp_Level_*)"
Dec 1 2014 - Jan 21 2015
top five spammers:
1. adsgreece.com
2. mailendo.com
3. 4udeals.gr
4. eliamep.org
5. mailinglist.gr
Blocked via postfix:
/massnews\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 1 "
/glc-emea\.com/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 2 "
/To:.*info@balaskas\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 3 "
/Akis.Angelakis/i REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 4 "
/from.*mailendo.com/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 5 "
/specisoft\.biz/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 6 "
/advantech\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 7 "
/adsgreece\.com/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 8 "
/2020web\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 9 "
/nfs\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 10 "
/polimonotiki/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 11 "
/eliamep\.org/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 12 "
/ellak\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 13 "
/seminaria\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 14 "
/stock-house\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 15 "
/Lesfemmes/i REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 16 "
/aldridge\.com/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 17 "
/inter\.net/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 18 "
/plexpr\.tk/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 19 "
/industrydisruptors\.org/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 20 "
/xinis\.com/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 21 "
/globalgreece\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 22 "
/hostzone\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 23 "
/mailinglist\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 24 "
/profitconsult\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 25 "
/pedersenco\.com/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 26 "
/diadima\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 27 "
/helenco\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 28 "
/adplus\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 29 "
/entos\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 30 "
/4udeals\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 31 "
/oncseminars\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 32 "
/enimerwsi\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 33 "
/eliamep\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 34 "
/ymlpsrv\.com/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 35 "
/dailysoccertip\.com/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 36 "
/bookbazaar\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 37 "
/zizoo\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 38 "
/anthemionflowers\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 39 "
/kourkouta\.com/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 40 "
/ipatata\.com/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 41 "
/ephost\.info/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 42 "
/kadoikonte\@gmail\.com/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 43 "
/mandrillapp\.com/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 44 "
/springer\.com/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 45 "
/mailchimp\.com/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 46 "
/altec\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 47 "
/winizi\.net/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 48 "
/sed\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 49 "
/pournara\.com/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 50 "
/emailmarketingnow\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 51 "
/entypa\.net/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 52 "
/4green\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 53 "
/imagemail\.eu/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 54 "
/cbr300r\.bike/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 55 "
/PRINTEX\ DIGITAL/i REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 56 "
/drassi\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 57 "
/mailstudio\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 58 "
/extratips\.net/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 59 "
/crmedia\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 60 "
/venan\.gr/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 61 "
/tonerflow\.info/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 62 "
/epiteugma\.com/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id= 63 "
A couple days ago, i wrote a blog post about how firefox don’t delete cookies from Pin Tabs here.
A friend of mine D. Glynos from census suggested to me that this problem/feature may be related to session cookies.
I was troubled about it and today i did a little research on the matter.
So when using firefox session restoration feature, firefox keeps all the session cookies in place and you can continue your work without a problem. If you hit F5 (refresh page) then the session is terminated and you have to log-in from the start.
OK, i don’t use session restoration but Pin Tabs. Seems that firefox considers Pin Tab as a session restoration process and that’s why it keeps the session cookies.
And this is by design !!!!!!!
There is also a 7 years bug (still opened - click here) that applies on Pin Tabs also.
Till now, i have not found a config (in about:config) option to tell firefox NOT to keep the session cookies when closing the browser!
UPDATE: 20150325
I got an email from a friend that suggest to take a look on this post from bugzilla:
I did a lot of testing and changed the below values to:
browser.sessionstore.privacy_level = 2
browser.sessionstore.privacy_level_deferred = 2
browser.sessionstore.privacy_level_deferred = 1
that means:
Never store extra session data.
but unfortunately the above did nothing for me.
the above did the trick for me
Anyhow, many thanks to Alex for informing me about this.