I like to read.
One of my biggest fears is that I ‘ll never be able to read all the books I’ve checked in my entire life. Even in this technological era that everything is easier and faster - the amount of free time is always less than the year before. That’s the way it is for me and it seems that i can’t do anything to fix it. So i like to keep a short book list - cause my long book list is about a million of unread books (give or take a few thousands). I understand that the previous statement is somehow an overstatement but as I’ve already mentioned in the begging of this blog post, i like to read (although i am not a very smart person).
I never had read William Gibson and I thought to start with the Neuromancer. This would be my first cyberpunk culture book EVER so I believed that i would loved it.
If you have good friends - as i do - they will find a loophole to screw with you, in everything you ‘ll ever do. And so they did! They told me to stop reading Neuromancer and start the Burning Chrome by William Gibson.
And so I did! Burning Chrome is a collection of cyberpunk - science function short stories that are written before Neuromancer and that was my first intro to cyberpunk.
After that … i was reading about Transhumanism and watched videos about it.
But the most important thing of all is the fun of knowledge !
I wish i could figured it out that when i was young, in school and not arguing all day with my teachers about everything.
So I am finally reading Neuromancer! I am at 40% on the ebook, 50 days after my first attempt to read it.
It seems that you can push a WPAD to desktops via dhcp.
My proxy is based on squid running on 8080.
I ‘ve build a WPAD file similar to the below:
function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
return "PROXY; DIRECT";
next thing is to publish it via a web server.
I am using thttpd for static pages/files:
how to test it:
# curl -L
after that a simple entry on Dnsmasq
and restart your dnsmasq
Dont forget to do a dhcp release on your windows machine
Title: dnsmasq with custom hosts file - aka ban sites with dnsmasq
I ‘ve already said it too many times, but dnsmasq is a beautiful project for SOHO (small office/home office) environment.
I am using it as DNS caching server, DHCP server & tftpd (PXE) server and it’s amazing.
One thing i do with the dns section is that i “BAN” urls i dont like. Think something like AdBlock on firefox.
Two configuration changes:
as root
wget http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt -O /etc/hosts.txt &&
in /etc/dnsmasq.conf
You can also put the wget cmd in your crontab with the @monthly scheduler but you need to restart the dnsmasq every month!
Another amazing thing is that you can add your one entries:
echo www.facebook.com >> /etc/hosts.txt
restart your dnsmasq service and check it:
# dig www.facebook.com @localhost +short
I have decided to expire my current PGP key:
0×5882be3def6dc21a is the long version !
in 30 days from now, on 25 Sep 2014.
You can still use it to send me encrypted msg and i will use it to digital sign emails (and other staff) till that day.
After the 25th of Sep you may assume that this key is no longer valid.
I haven’t decided yet if i want to upload or advertise my new GPG key.
“Πελάτης” - προσοχή στα quotes - αγόρασε ένα domain από εμάς.
Έπειτα και χωρίς καμία επικοινωνία με το helpdesk ή τους εμπορικούς
δήλωσε ότι εμείς κάνουμε secondary dns service για αυτόν.
Έβαλε επίσης ως MX server ένα δικό μας μηχάνημα,
το οποίο δεν είναι καν ΜΧ server.
Φυσικά παρέχουμε dns secondary υπηρεσία & backup MX service
αλλά φυσικά το κάνουμε αφού μιλήσει ο πελάτης με το helpdesk
και το εμπορικό τμήμα.
Το θράσος του υποτιθέμενου πελάτη έφτασε στο σημείο
να διαμαρτυρηθεί εντόνως γιατί κι ενώ αυτός στην ζώνη του
τα έχει περάσει σωστά !!!!!!!! εμείς δεν του παρέχουμε
καμία από αυτές τις υπηρεσίες ?
I use dd frequently. Especially when i need a backup disk image to restore it to a disk with the same geometry. Most of the case this disk image has partitions. Mounting those partitions to my system is really easy with losetup. So i gathered some basic examples here: losetup examples .
Μιας και δεν χωράει στο twitter: Η αδελφούλα μου, μόλις ξεκίνησε να βλέπει το Breaking Bad.
Οπότε σχολιάζει την γαματοσύνη του με το παρακάτω:
“Άσε ρε, όλα βγαλμένα μέσα απο τη ζωή είναι.. στη Β λυκείου ο καθηγητής της Βιολογίας έφτιαχνε παράνομα cd και τα πουλούσε μέχρι που τον πιάσανε”
This post is being written only in Greek.
[ disclaimer: Το παρακάτω είναι μια φανταστική ιστορία ]
Τα πράγματα δεν φαίνονται να πηγαίνουν πολύ καλά, οργανωτικά. Επιστρέφω μετά από 10 μέρες στην δουλειά για να διαπιστώσω ότι έχει γίνει εκ νέου αναδιοργάνωση. Νέος προϊστάμενος, υποδιευθυντής, διευθυντής κλπ κλπ κλπ κλπ - έχω πια ξεχάσει/χάσει την ιεραρχία - γενικά δεν ισχύει απολύτως τίποτα από ότι ίσχυε πριν από 10 μέρες. Το βασικό πρόβλημα είναι ότι χρειαζόμαστε υπαλλήλους και τα τελευταία χρόνια έχουμε γεμίσει - σε πλήθος - περισσότερους διοικητικούς από ότι ανθρώπους που παράγουν έργο.
Κι εκτός αυτού τέλος Ιουλίου/αρχές Αυγούστου μπήκε production νέο πληροφοριακό σύστημα για τις παραγγελιοληψίες. Το μόνο πρόβλημα που έχουμε, είναι ότι δεν δουλεύει όπως πρέπει ! Κατά την μεταβίβαση/φορητότητα (και διάφορες άλλες περίεργες λέξεις) το νέο σύστημα βγάζει inactive & expired τους πελάτες !!
Μετά από mini investigation, κι θέλω να πιστεύω ευλόγως απορία μου, ρωτώ: “Ποιο το workaround ? Πότε θα επιληφθεί ? κι Αφού δεν δουλεύει γιατί δεν επιστρέφουμε στο παλιό μέχρι να διορθωθούν τα προβλήματα ?”
και κάπου εκεί ξεκινά ο παραλογισμός:
- “Εμείς παραδώσαμε το project εντός προθεσμίας”
- “Μα δεν δουλεύει !”
- “Είναι μονάχα μια λειτουργία”
- “Μα υπάρχει ροή που βγάζει τους πελάτες inactive/expired”
- “Θα διορθωθεί σε μέλλοντα χρόνο, εμείς το παραδώσαμε στην ώρα του”
Όπως φαίνεται το να παραδίδεις κάτι εντός προθεσμίας είναι κάτι που επιτυγχάνει τους στόχους της εταιρείας.
Το να δουλεύει όμως ή όχι. Το γεγονός ότι δημιουργούμε πρόβλημα σε χιλιάδες πελάτες, επίσης όχι.
Κατά τα άλλα, πλέον αυτό το POST θεωρείτε βάση κανονισμού εργασίας ως πειθαρχικό παράπτωμα μιας και “χαλάει” το όνομα της εταιρείας !
This is pretty simple to even document, but i need a reference point !
ServerName example.com
Redirect permanent / https://example.com
dont forget to create the https virtual host, something like that:
ServerName example.com
ServerAdmin admin@example.com
# Logs
CustomLog logs/example.com.access.log combined
ErrorLog logs/example.com.error.log
DocumentRoot /www/examplecom
DirectoryIndex index.html
<Directory "/www/examplecom">
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AllowOverride All
AuthType basic
AuthName "Enter At Your Own Risk"
AuthUserFile /www/htpasswd_for_examplecom
Require valid-user
Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; "
# SSL Support
SSLEngine on
SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3
SSLHonorCipherOrder on
SSLCipherSuite HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5
SSLCertificateFile /certs/examplecom.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /certs/examplecom.key
SSLCertificateChainFile /certs/class3.crt
Just finished
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales by Oliver Sacks
a book about clinical stories on neuropsychology !
next book in list:
I’ve written down some simple (i hope) instructions on creating an encrypted btrfs raid1 disk !
My notes have the form of a mini howto, you can read all about them here:
Gnu has a very interesting project for changing your mac address every time you want. I have found it very useful - apparently for security reasons!
The project has the name: macchanger and i will not tell you how to installed it !
I will tell you how i am using it. Become root and type: crontab -e
add the below line
@reboot macchanger -r wlan0
Now, every time you boot up your machine the mac address on you wireless card will be a random new one !
Happy privacy
Friday 13
17.00 Ο πελάτης επικοινωνεί με το helpdesk, διότι μεταβαίνει σε νέα mail πλατφόρμα και χρειάζεται “ΕΠΕΙΓΟΝ” διαθεσιμότητα μηχανικού 19.00 - 20.00
17.30 Το helpdesk επικοινωνεί με τον standby μηχανικό
19.35 Συνδέεται ο standby μηχανικός για να δει το αίτημα του πελάτη - ΔΕΝ υπάρχει κανένα αίτημα.
Sat 14
00.00 Το helpdesk επικοινωνεί με τον standby μηχανικό, ότι ο πελάτης μόλις έστειλε το αίτημα
00.30 Ενημερώνεται ο πελάτης μέσω helpdesk ότι δεν υπάρχει άμεση διαθεσιμότητα μηχανικού – διευκρινίζεται με τον πελάτη κι επικοινωνείτε σε όλους ότι θα γίνει το πρωί.
10.30 Ο πελάτης επικοινωνεί με το helpdesk για να ολοκληρωθεί το αίτημά του για να μεταβεί στην νέα mail υπηρεσία/πλατφόρμα
11.15 Ο μηχανικός ενημερώνει το helpdesk ότι ο πελάτης ΔΕΝ έχει στείλει κανένα αίτημα. Ο πελάτης αναφέρει απλά “την επιβεβαίωση dns εγγραφών”.
Today’s work : A dockerfile to build an archlinux image with sshd
You can find my notes here: Dockerfile notes
I am a very proud member of Athen’s Hackerspace.
I am enjoying the entire 3+ years time (and money) that i’ve spend at this hackerspace. Love it.
Today was a very productive day.
With a good friend of mine, are working to setup an ansible, docker, btrfs workshop !
We want to contribute back to the community and we thought that this is a great opportunity.
We are not guru or anything like that - no, we just want to share the knowledge we are getting by spending time at hackerspace. Nothing more, nothing less. Just share our feedback to all the people that have helped us till now.
So, we are working together (collaboration) by making small steps towards to build these workshop.
Today’s work: Creating a tiny compressed archlinux docker image.
My instruction set is documented here: archlinux installation for docker.
Hopefully my next blog post will be about a simple ssh docker file.
We are trying to keep simple notes so that many people can read and use them.
I am currently pseudoparallel reading (i am currently reading one other book) The Pattern On The Stone By Daniel Hillis and i am really really impressed about the simple explanation on logical gates (boolean algebra).
Hillis is using as an example The Tinkertoy computer - the mechanical computer for playing TicTacToe !
Look at this page to take a quick look: The Tinkertoy computer
BTW The first mechanical computer is the The Antikythera mechanism 100BC to predict astronomical positions and eclipses.
Truly Amazing !
It took me a few minutes to understand why one of my online sign files isnt the correct one.
The actual file:
[~]> md5sum file.sign
The file on my web server:
$ md5sum file.sign
when download it :
[~]> md5sum file.sign
Say what ?
Whattttttt !
[~]> file file.sign
file.sign: gzip compressed data, from Unix
so what if i did:
gunzip -d -c file.sign | md5sum
89dd90709bbc51eb6796280123f46fe6 -
So a light bulb lighted up upon my hackergotchi !! mod_deflate
i need to change my filters
man 5 fluxbox-keys
i found that there is
ArrangeWindows pattern / ArrangeWindowsVertical pattern / ArrangeWindowsHorizontal pattern
so i edited my
to auto-tile (vertical/horintal) with my super (window) key as shortcut
Mod4 h :arrangewindowshorizontal
Mod4 v :arrangewindowsvertical
unfortunately i have not track my book status :(
I have assembled some, so here they are:
Currently reading multiple books:
- The Pattern on the Stone by W. Daniel Hillis 5%
- The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks 10%
- The Debian Administrator’s Handbook
by Raphaël Hertzog, Roland Mas 50%
Finished !
Postfix has the ability to DISCARD (or Reject) any email, by using simple regular expressions. This can be done on your incoming or outgoing mail farm and you can either check the header or body of an email.
For me header_checks is a more powerful tool but the main problem with phishing bots is that the headers arent always the same (different IPs, different Froms etc etc).
And on half of them scam situations there is an ugly url or email inside the body of the email.
Our abuse department informed us today for a scam bot that “WANTS YOU TO REPLY TO THEM WITH YOUR PASSWORDS” and we took the appropriate measures against it. None of our outgoing mail servers can be used to send a reply to the abuser mail address.
There is a debate in our team about future incoming of this specific scam bot. We could use body_check to silent DISCARD any new incoming mail but that also make it very difficult for us to communicate with each other.
The main problem is that i cant “report” to my manager about that OR the security/abuse department cant send me any email that has the “BAD email address” inside the body or our mails.