In recent versions of PHP, there is an iterator that you can use for recursively go through a directory. The name of this iterator is RecursiveDirectoryIterator and below is a simple test use:
1 <?php
3 $Contentpath = realpath('/tmp/');
4 $Directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($Contentpath);
5 $Iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($Directory);
7 foreach($Iterator as $name => $object){
8 echo "$name\n";
9 }
11 ?>
the result is something like this:
# php test.php
One of the benefits of this iterator, is that you can extend the RecursiveFilterIterator class to filter out unwanted values. Here is an example of the extend:
$Contentpath = realpath('./');
$Directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($Contentpath);
class MyRecursiveFilterIterator extends RecursiveFilterIterator {
public function accept() {
return $this->current()->getFilename();
$MyFilter = new MyRecursiveFilterIterator($Directory);
$Iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($MyFilter);
foreach($Iterator as $name => $object){
echo "$name\n";
at the above example, we did not exclude or filter anything.
But our RecursiveIteratorIterator is now passing through our MyRecursiveFilterIterator !
Let’s filter out everything, but text files.
1 <?php
2 $Contentpath = realpath('./');
3 $Directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($Contentpath);
5 class MyRecursiveFilterIterator extends RecursiveFilterIterator {
6 public function accept() {
7 $file_parts = pathinfo($this->current()->getFilename());
9 if ( $file_parts['extension'] == 'txt' ) {
10 return $this->current()->getFilename();
11 }
13 }
14 }
16 $MyFilter = new MyRecursiveFilterIterator($Directory);
17 $Iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($MyFilter);
19 foreach($Iterator as $name => $object){
20 echo "$name\n";
21 }
22 ?>
There is a little caveat on the above example !
Seems that the above piece of code is working just fine for a specific directory, but when you are running it against a recursive directory, you are going to have errors like the below one:
PHP Notice: Undefined index: extension
and that’s why pathinfo will also run against directories !!!
So, we need to exclude - filter out all the directories:
1 <?php
2 $Contentpath = realpath('./');
3 $Directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($Contentpath);
5 class MyRecursiveFilterIterator extends RecursiveFilterIterator {
6 public function accept() {
8 if ( $this->current()->isDir() )
9 return true;
11 $file_parts = pathinfo($this->current()->getFilename());
13 if ( $file_parts['extension'] == 'txt' ) {
14 return $this->current()->getFilename();
15 }
17 }
18 }
20 $MyFilter = new MyRecursiveFilterIterator($Directory);
21 $Iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($MyFilter);
23 foreach($Iterator as $name => $object){
24 echo "$name\n";
25 }
26 ?>
pretty close.
Pretty close indeed, but we are not excluding the DOT directories:
From the FilesystemIterator class we learn that there is a flag that does that:
const integer SKIP_DOTS = 4096 ;
and you can use it on RecursiveDirectoryIterator as the recursive directory iterator is actually an extend of FilesystemIterator
RecursiveDirectoryIterator extends FilesystemIterator implements SeekableIterator , RecursiveIterator
so our code is transforming to this one:
1 <?php
2 $Contentpath = realpath('./');
3 $Directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($Contentpath,RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
5 class MyRecursiveFilterIterator extends RecursiveFilterIterator {
6 public function accept() {
8 if ( $this->current()->isDir() )
9 return true;
11 $file_parts = pathinfo($this->current()->getFilename());
13 if ( $file_parts['extension'] == 'txt' ) {
14 return $this->current()->getFilename();
15 }
17 }
18 }
20 $MyFilter = new MyRecursiveFilterIterator($Directory);
21 $Iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($MyFilter);
23 foreach($Iterator as $name => $object){
24 echo "$name\n";
25 }
26 ?>
That’s It !
ffmpeg is an amazing piece of software.
Today I had to create a small video of a few Print-Screens (Screenshots) and this is how I did it:
I’ve renamed all my screenshot png files from a datetime format in their names, into a numeric order.
Screenshot_2017-01-25_13-16-31.png ---> Screenshot_01.png
Screenshot_2017-01-25_13-17-12.png ---> Screenshot_02.png
after that everything was really easy:
~> ffmpeg -i Screenshot_%2d.png output.mp4
Be careful not to use * wildcard but %2d (two digits) for ffmpeg to iterate through all images.
If your images are something like: 001.png then use %3d (three digits) in your ffmpeg command.
The above command will show us 25 frames per seconds, so …. if you have less than 25 images, you will have a full second to see the entire video!!!
Now it’s time to add a duration delay:
~> ffmpeg -framerate 1/2 -i Screenshot_%2d.png -r 21 output.mp4
that means, convert 21 images with a 2 second delay into output.mp4 video
post inspired from:
Operating System
I use Archlinux as my primary Operating System. I am currently running Archlinux (since 2009) in all my boxes (laptop/workpc/homepc/odroid-c1). In the data center, I have CentOS on the bare-metal, and CentOS in the VM(s). A windows VM exists for work purposes on my workpc.
The last few years I am running fluxbox but I used to work on xfce. Thunar (xfce-file browser) is my first and only choice and lilyterm as my terminal emulator. tmux as my multiplexer. I used to run gnu screen for a decade !
I use arand for desktop layout (sharing my screen to external monitor or the TV).
Disk / FileSystem
All my disks are encrypted and I use both ext4 and btrfs on my systems. I really like btrfs (subvolumes) and I use the raid-0 and raid-1 but no raid-5 or raid-6 yet. I also have LVM on my laptop as I can not change the ssd easy.
Mostly Thunderbird but I still use mutt when using a terminal or an ssh session.
Editor + IDE
Vim 99% of my time.
for short-time notes: mousepad and when feeling to use a GUI, I use geany.
Multiple Instances of firefox, chromium, firefox - Nightly, Tor Browser and vimprobable2. I used to run midori but I’ve dropped it. I also have multiple profiles on firefox !!! I keep private-mode or incognito, all of them via a socks proxy (even Tor-Browser) with remote DNS (when possible).
but when needed, smuxi or pidgin
Blog / Website
flatpress no database, static pages but dynamic framework written in PHP. Some custom code on it but I keep a separated (off-the-web) clone with my custom changes. Recently added Markdown support and some JavaScript for code highlighting etc.
I dont tend to write a lot, but I keep personal notes on drafts (unpublished). I also keep a (wackowiki) wiki as a personal online keeping-notes wiki on my domain.
Version Control
Mostly mercurial but also git . I have a personal hg server (via ssh) for my code, files, notes, etc etc
VLC only. For media and podcasts and mirage or feh for image display. gimp for image manipulation
I wake up, I make my double espresso at home and drink it on commuting to work. The 20min distance gives coffee enough time to wake my brain. When at work, I mostly rant for everything.
and alcohol when needed ;)
My fluxbox menu has less than 15 apps, I’ve put there only my daily-use programs and I try to keep distractions on my desktop as minimum as possible. I keep disable notifications to apps and I mostly work on full screen to minimize input from running apps.