In 30 40 days of my new mail address and the top spammers are:
/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id=1"
/ REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id=2"
/To:.* REJECT "Plz stop sending SPAM id=3
To see the entire article, click uppon article's title/link.
Thank you.
What started as a Nasa Space App Challenge now becomes an extraordinary opensource achievement on the top five finalist of
What is SatNOGS in non technical words: imagine a cheap mobile openhardware ground station that can collaborate through the internet with other ground stations and gather satellite signals all together, participating in a holistic opensource/opendata and public accessible database/site !
If you are thinking, that cant be right, the answer is that it is!!!
The amazing team behind the SatNOGS is working around the clock...
Thank you.
a blog post about Wallabag
Tons of information are passing through your eyes every day. People now are browsing than reading and there are some things you really want to store and read them when you have some free time. Bookmarks are pretty useful for storing the url but the actual content could be moved somewhere else or even removed from the original place.
read-it-later applications have worked their magic and offline (or caching) storing the actual content to another location. Some of these applications (or online services) have the ability to synchronize their content to your tablet/smartphone or even your ebook reader. The most known service is, of course, pocket.
But then again you have to register to another online service that uses your email for userid and now knows every single thing you like to read! And what will happen if the compan...
Thank you.
How to disable the camera shutter sound:
code snippet only
[root@myhomepc platform-tools]# ./adb shell
shell@android:/ $ su
shell@android:/ # mount -o rw,remount /system
shell@android:/ # echo '' > /system/media/audio/ui/camera_shutter.ogg
If you missed my previous blog post about fairphone click here: here.
this blog post document how to became root and do “advanced” staff.
Fairphone comes with an iFixit app - and of course with some other apps too ;)
If you want to remove it, you can simply connect your phone with your linux box, open USB debugging and adb shell through your phone
Fairphone is already rooted, so when you connect to it via adb, simply type:
to became root.
# adb shell
shell@android:/ $&n...
Thank you.
I am a proud owner of a fairphone.
For about ~300 euros i bought a really cool smartphone.
When you boot up your phone for the first time, there is a widget to add support for google apps.
Just remove it and go on with your life. Nothing useful here.
[EDIT #1] Before we begin our beautiful opensource journey, you must have in mind that ALL your personal devices can be hacked, stolen or be destroyed (crashed/brick/whatever). You have to remember that - you should have your digital data elsewhere and sync/backup/encrypt EVERYTHING. So dont use your phone as an offline image gallery, dont save everything in our mails.
First thing: Encrypt the /sdcard
You need to add a PIN to screen lock (Settings –> Security –> Screen Lock –> PIN)
after that tap through: Settings –> Sec...
Thank you.
The last couple months (all started when comzeradd ordered two fairphones) i am going through the Great Transition: “Moving Away from every closed source/service to free (opensource) software.”
As i have already mentioned: Moving to free/opensource applications isnt always easy. But then again, when freedom was an easy thing ?.
So the transition has a few bumps in the way.
Some of my decisions are in my twitter’s timeline and some on my wiki.
I will document EVERYTHING but I’ll do it on separated blog posts and code will be in my wiki so that the entire documentation will no be a huge mesh.
I am fortunate enough to have smarted people than me to suggest brilliant things all the time.
Their comments (twitter/blog/mail) have made my life easier and are helping me with this transition.
I would love to read your comments (just remember that i dont accept http links inside blog comments).
So let’s start !