I really like this comic.
I try to read/learn something every day.
Sometimes, when I find an interesting article, I like to mark it for reading it later.
I use many forms of marking, like pin tabs, bookmarking, sending url via email, save the html page to a folder, save it to my wallabag instance, leave my browser open to this tab, send the URL QR to my phone etc etc etc.
Are all the above ways productive?
None … the time to read something is now!
I mean the first time you lay your eyes upon the article.
Not later, not when you have free time, now.<...
Thank you.
I have a compressed file of:
250.000.000 lines
Compressed the file size is: 671M
Uncompressed, it's: 6,5G
Need to extract a plethora of things and verify some others.
I dont want to use bash but something more elegant, like python or lua.
Looking through “The-Internet”, I’ve created some examples for the single purpose of educating my self.
So here are my results.
BE AWARE they are far-far-far away from perfect in code or execution.
Sorted by (less) time of execution:
# time pigz -p4 -cd 2016-08-04-06.ldif.gz &> /dev/null
real To see the entire article, click uppon article's title/link.
Thank you.
[Last uptime 2020-12-25]
I need to run some ansible playbooks to a running (live) machine.
But, of-course, I cant use a production server for testing purposes !!
So here comes docker!
I have ssh access from my docker-server to this production server:
ssh livebox tar --one-file-system --sparse -C / -cf - | docker import - centos6:livebox
on ubuntu 20.04
ssh livebox sudo tar -cf - --sparse --one-file-system / | docker import - centos6:livebox
Then run the new docker image:
$ docker run -t -i --rm -p 2222:22 centos6:livebox bash
[root@40b2bab2f306 /]# /usr/sbin/sshd -D
Create a new entry on your hosts inventory file, that uses ssh port 2222
or create a new separated inventory file
and test it with ansible ping module:
# ansible -m ping -i hosts.docker dockerlivebox
dockerlivebox | success >> {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"