I really like this comic.
I try to read/learn something every day.
Sometimes, when I find an interesting article, I like to mark it for reading it later.
I use many forms of marking, like pin tabs, bookmarking, sending url via email, save the html page to a folder, save it to my wallabag instance, leave my browser open to this tab, send the URL QR to my phone etc etc etc.
Are all the above ways productive?
None … the time to read something is now!
I mean the first time you lay your eyes upon the article.
Not later, not when you have free time, now.<...
Thank you.
These are my personal notes on upgrading wallabag to it’s latest version (2.0.8):
Create a backup
# cd /var/www/html/
# mv wallabag wallabag_bak
Download latest version
# wget -c http://wllbg.org/latest-v2-package -qO - | tar -xz
# mv release-2.0.8 wallabag
Restore Settings
# cp -f wallabag_bak/app/config/parameters.yml wallabag/app/config/parameters.yml
# rsync -r wallabag_bak/data/ wallabag/data/
[h3] Permissions [h3]
Don’t forget to fix the permissions on wallabag according to your web server settings:
# chown -R apache:apache wallabag
and …. that’s it !
a blog post about Wallabag
Tons of information are passing through your eyes every day. People now are browsing than reading and there are some things you really want to store and read them when you have some free time. Bookmarks are pretty useful for storing the url but the actual content could be moved somewhere else or even removed from the original place.
read-it-later applications have worked their magic and offline (or caching) storing the actual content to another location. Some of these applications (or online services) have the ability to synchronize their content to your tablet/smartphone or even your ebook reader. The most known service is, of course, pocket.
But then again you have to register to another online service that uses your email for userid and now knows every single thing you like to read! And what will happen if the compan...
Thank you.