just learned about gutenberg project http://www.gutenberg.org/
I’m attending PyGr meetup, 13th July 2011 in Athens lanyrd.com/2011/pygr-july/ via @lanyrd
how to find your key bindings ? open xterm and write: cat > /dev/null Then just type some ctr, alt and arrow keys !
@hackerspacegr waiting for hackfest5 to start!
why smartphones are useful when you are on a relationship: http://www.thedoghousediaries.com/comics/uncategorized/2011-06-03-de58a19.png
Dont forget hsgr motto: “Be Excellent To Each Other…. Party On Dude” !
i understand that !transifex is all about translations, but with 1500 projects can easily be a search engine for opensource project
GREECE: New Breathing Law (In a few months) http://mimiandeunice.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/ME_414_CriminalizeBreathing-640x199.png
always give credit: www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPtH2KPuQbs
!mhddfs: join several filesystems together to form a single larger one http://romanrm.ru/en/mhddfs
@jemadux For source code maintenance is great. Take a look here: https://balaskas.gr/wiki/paco
working with !paco http://paco.sourceforge.net/ seems that source compiled programs are easy to manage as binary!
a colleague has just show me: “man parallel”. I nearly fall off my chair. Respect !
Confess Your Sins http://www.explosm.net/db/files/Comics/Kris/sinned.png
Amazing! Take a look greek people. Is excellent http://www.oneweekjob.com/ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1664006/
Looking at the context of old backups … walking down memory lane.
Share is better than Sell : http://www.explosm.net/db/files/Comics/Kris/sharing.png
RT @comzeradd web development using git http://ur1.ca/4hmm2
Jesus, Who is my real father: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQrwtyoez6o