I’ve just updated to xfce4-panel-4.9.0.tar.bz2 It seems that i have to reinstall panel apps, as mixer & screenshooter #xfce
edit remote files with vim protocol://[user@]hostname[:port]/[path] eg. vim scp://user@example.com:2222/home/user/test.file via @nixcraft
Thank you Santa! Our mail queues are at normal ranges. This is a Christmas miracle.
simple explained when the browser has too many tabs opened: http://ur1.ca/703v3
In less than 5 min you can set up a ftp server with anonymous read/write using pyftpdlib #python For security I’ve used a tmpfs for home dir
Dear Postmasters: another holiday is in the corner (again). I hope your configuration of spamassassin (amavis/postfix) may prove you right!
#python tip using inspect http://ur1.ca/6mj9g can make you crazy. My autoreferential call: inspect.stack(-1)[0][3])
Developers that use a dictionary word for naming a project must be shoot on sight
A simple GTK+ disc burner http://ur1.ca/6kihf
pkgstats http://ur1.ca/6eq67 #archlinux
Definitive List of Web-Based Server Control Panels http://ur1.ca/6epkc
#Hotot A Microblogging Client http://hotot.org Impressive
#python tip import webbrowser webbrowser.open("http://balaskas.gr“)
Collabedit is an online code editor that lets people collaborate in real-time. http://collabedit.com/
Realize that people define you, as you define your self. Respect your self to gain respect by others. Respect others and you gain respect of your self.
PAC Manager, Perl/Gtk approach to connections managing http://ur1.ca/61fnb
is it wrong to DISCARD undisclosed-recipients ? #postmaster