a blog post series to my homelab
Part One
In this blog post, I will start by walking you through the process of setting up Traefik as a reverse proxy for your homelab. My setup involves using a virtual machine connected via a point-to-point VPN to a cloud VPS, along with several Docker containers on my homelab for various tasks and learning purposes. The goal is to expose only Traefik to the internet, which will then provide access to my internal homelab. For certain applications, I also use Tailscale, which I prefer not to expose directly to the internet. In short, I have a complex internal homelab setup, and in this post, we’ll simplify it!
I’ve made a short video to accompany this blog post:
docker compose
To begin, we need to set up a basic Docker Compose YAML file.
As of the time of writing this blog post, the latest Traefik Docker container image is version 3.3. It is best to declare a specific version instead of using “latest” tag.
image: traefik:v3.3
Using an .env file in a Docker Compose configuration is important for several reasons, as for configure variables, secrets and it is easy to reuse though several services and to avoid hardcoding values. For traefik is important so we can configure the docker GID in order traefil to be able to use the docker socket.
eg. .env
# This is my user id
# This is my docker group id
Next interesting topic is the volumes section.
I would like to mount a local directory for the traefik configuration, which I will later use with the dynamic file provider. Additionally, to enable Traefik to recongize our (future) docker images, we need to mount the docker socket too.
- ./traefik:/etc/traefik
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
to conclude, here is a very basic docker compose yaml file:
image: traefik:v3.3
container_name: traefik
hostname: traefik
- path: ./.env
required: true
restart: unless-stopped
# The Web UI (enabled by --api.insecure=true)
- 8080:8080
# The HTTP port
- 80:80
- ./traefik:/etc/traefik
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
pull traefik docker image
we can explicitly get the Traefik docker container image
docker compose pull traefik
traefik configuration file
we also need to create the configuration file by enabling the API and the dashboard for now.
Create the directory and file
and write this:
# API and dashboard configuration
insecure: true
Start traefik docker
We are ready start and run our Traefik docker container:
docker compose up
result is something like:
[+] Running 2/2
✔ Network homelab_default Created 0.3s
✔ Container traefik Created 0.4s
Attaching to traefik
To stop traefik from docker compose, we need to open a new terminal and type from the same directory
docker compose down
or, we ca run the docker compose and detach it so it runs on the background:
docker compose up traefik -d
This is going to be useful for the future as we starting each service one by one.
Test traefik
Open your browser and click on:
you will see something like: