Google Reader was -of general acceptance- the best RSS feed reader.
Yahoo had it’s own “perfect” project to parse feeds: Yahoo! Pipes
What did both projects have in common?
They both were cloud projects
that are now discontinued
cause their companies could not profit from them !!!
So a lot of people started to look up on self-hosted RSS readers to overcome this issue.
Below are my notes on FreshRSS , a free, self-hostable aggregator…
First, download the latest version of FreshRSS:
Download and Setup
# wget -c
# unzip
# mv FreshRSS-master/ FreshRSS
# chown -R apache:apache FreshRSS
Create a new Virtual Host on apache and use Let’s Encrypt to create a new SSL certificate:
< VirtualHost *:443 >
# SSL Support
SSLEngine on
SSLProtocol ALL -SSLv2 -SSLv3
SSLHonorCipherOrder on
SSLCipherSuite HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5
SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
# Logs
CustomLog logs/FreshRSS.access.log combined
ErrorLog logs/FreshRSS.error.log
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/FreshRSS/
< Directory /var/www/html/FreshRSS/ >
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
< /Directory >
< /VirtualHost >
reload your apache and after that, open your browser to begin the installation process.
SQLite Backend
I prefer to use SQLite for my backend self-hosted projects, cause the backup process is a lot easier than with mysql.
At this point you have a fresh FreshRSS installation (self-hosted) on your server!
If you just want to use it through your browser, you are done.
If you already have a OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) file with your rss/atom feeds, then you can upload it (import) through the Subscription Manager:
Feeds - Automated Updates
So conclude our FreshRSS setup, we need to automate the update of our feeds. To do that, we just need to add a cron script.
# vim /etc/crontab
*/15 * * * * apache /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/FreshRSS//app/actualize_script.php &> /tmp/fresh.log
What about your android device (smart phone or tablet) ?
You can use EasyRSS !
Just install it from Fdroid and run it:
FreshRSS - API
To use EasyRSS with FreshRSS, you need to enable the API support from FreshRSS.
The EasyRSS then, will use the api through a token, so to keep things simple enough, we will also change our password to the token ID.
So go to Settings —> Authentication and enable:
Allow API access (required for mobile apps)
Then go to Settings –> Profile and change your password too:
After that, you can now type your settings on your EasyRSS app: