I am using GNU Screen as a terminal multiplexer.
I am using screen as long as i remember my self using ssh.
I am not against tmux, I just really dont have an opinion on it.
So this is for all you people that are using screen and you want a quicker way to switch from one terminal to another.
Open your .screenrc and just add the below lines:
bindkey ^[[1;2D prev
bindkey ^[[1;2C next
The above bind keys tells screen to switch terminals when using shift key with left or right arrow
⇧ + ←
⇧ + →
Disclaimer: This blog post has one purpose only: be a proof of concept - not the “perfect” ansible playbook.
When managing a server farm, you will -soon enough- start using Jinja templates. Cause -let’s face it- static files are very easy to copy through servers but with templates, you are making magic!
This ansible example will create a bind-format slave zones configuration file.
You need to have in mind, the typical structure of that configuration file:
zone "balaskas.gr" {
type slave;
file "sec/balaskas.gr";
masters {;
Let’s start with the actual data. I like to keep my configuration separated from my playbooks. With this approach is easy to re-use your variables in other playbooks.
So my variable list is looking like this:
- { zone: 'balaskas.gr', master: '', extras: '' }
- { zone: 'example.com', master: '', extras: '' }
My slavezone yml ansible playbook is very similar to this:
- hosts: myslavens
gather_facts: no
user: root
- [ "files/SecondaryDNS/zones.yml" ]
- name: Create named.slavezone
(This is not the entire playbook, but I am guessing you get the point)
To recap, we want to create a [new (if not exist)] file, with a very specific output for every line in our configuration.
So here is my Jinja2 template file:
{% for item in zones %}
zone "{{item.zone}}" { type slave; file "sec/{{item.zone}}"; masters { {{item.master}}; }; {{item.extra}} };
{% endfor %}
This template will loop for every line (item) of our zones.yml and create the desirable output.
And that’s how you can create ansible magic !
So here is a nice ansible trick to trigger a notify if only the exit status of a command is zero (without any errors)
- name: Check named
shell: /sbin/named-checkconf
register: named_checkconf
changed_when: "named_checkconf.rc == 0"
notify: rndc reconfig
the named_checkconf contains the below values:
"changed": true,
"cmd": ["/sbin/rndc", "reconfig"],
"delta": "0:00:02.438532",
"end": "2015-04-07 15:02:21.349859",
"item": "",
"rc": 0,
"start": "2015-04-07 15:02:18.911327",
"stderr": "",
"stdout": ""