Title: dnsmasq with custom hosts file - aka ban sites with dnsmasq
I ‘ve already said it too many times, but dnsmasq is a beautiful project for SOHO (small office/home office) environment.
I am using it as DNS caching server, DHCP server & tftpd (PXE) server and it’s amazing.
One thing i do with the dns section is that i “BAN” urls i dont like. Think something like AdBlock on firefox.
Two configuration changes:
as root
wget http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt -O /etc/hosts.txt &&
in /etc/dnsmasq.conf
You can also put the wget cmd in your crontab with the @monthly scheduler but you need to restart the dnsmasq every month!
Another amazing thing is that you can add your one entries:
echo www.facebook.com >> /etc/hosts.txt
restart your dnsmasq service and check it:
# dig www.facebook.com @localhost +short