Hits : 2981

The original page is here: http://wackowiki.org/Dev/PatchesHacks/EmotionImage

WikiEdit: emotion image

Compatible with: R4.2 and 4.3 svn
Current version: 4.3 svn
Credits: Evaggelos Balaskas

emotion image

WackoWiki WikiEdit


this.addButton("smileface","Smile Face","':)',''");

to add the smile face button.

In this case you want to add an html image src to your page.

else if (preg_match("/:\)/", $thing, $matches)) {
  return "<img src=\"images/wikiedit/smileface.gif"."\" alt=\"Smile Face\" />";

But before this you must add the formatter string to $this->LONGREGEXP value. I simple add this :

That's all

How To 

How to add an emotion image to WikiEdit ?
– very easy

Screen Shot


There is no need for any

To Do

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