Poll Example:
{{Poll q="Do you like WackoWiki?" a="Yes:No"}}
Unknown action "Poll"
Original Page: http://wackowiki.org/Dev/PatchesHacks/Poll
Action: Poll
Current version: R4.2 and 4.3 svn |
{{Poll q="Do you like WackoWiki?" a="Yes:No"}}
<!-- Action Poll --> <?php // WackoWiki Poll, Delimeter is ":" // eg. {{Poll q="Do you like WackoWiki?" a="Yes:No"}} $answers = explode(":",$a); $filename = "files/polls_".$this->tag."_".md5($q); if (!file_exists($filename)) { $fp = fopen($filename, 'w'); foreach($answers as $ans) $data .= $ans . "=0:"; fwrite($fp, substr($data, 0, -1)); fclose($fp); } if ( !empty( $_POST["answer"] ) ) { $poll = file($filename); $results = explode(":",$poll[0]); for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count($results) ; $i++ ) { $res = explode("=",$results[$i]); if ( $res[0] == $_POST["answer"] ) $res[1]++; $data .= $res[0] . "=" . $res[1] . ":"; $sum[$i][0] = $res[0]; $sum[$i][1] = $res[1]; $summary += $res[1]; } for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $sum ) ; $i++ ) { $chart_values .= round( ($sum[$i][1]*100)/$summary, 2 ) . "," ; $chart_data .= $sum[$i][0] . "(". round( ($sum[$i][1]*100)/$summary, 2 ) . "%)|" ; } ?> <p><strong><?php echo $q; ?></strong></p> <p>Poll Results:</p> <img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart? chs=375x100 &chd=t:<?php echo substr($chart_values, 0, -1); ?> &cht=p3 &chl=<?php echo substr($chart_data, 0, -1); ?> &chtt=Total+Votes:+<?php echo $summary; ?> " alt="<?php echo $q; ?>" /> <p> </p> <?php $fp = fopen($filename, 'w'); fwrite($fp, substr($data, 0, -1)); fclose($fp); $url = $this->GetConfigValue("base_url").$this->tag; echo "<a href=\"".$url."\">Return</a>\n"; } else { ?> <FORM method="POST"> <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <TR> <TD colspan="2"><strong><?php echo $q; ?></strong></TD> </TR> <?php for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count($answers) ; $i++ ) { ?> <tr> <TD><?php echo $answers[$i]; ?></td> <td><INPUT name="answer" value="<?php echo $answers[$i]; ?>" type="radio" <?php if ( $i == 0) echo "checked=\"true\""; ?>></TD> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <TD colspan="2"><INPUT type="submit" value="Count me In"></TD> </tr> </table> </FORM> <?php } ?> <!-- Action Poll -->
1. Documentation
The code isnt perfect – i am still working on this.
I've just add http://chart.apis.google.com
ATTENTION You must not change the answers!
I am working to find a good solution on this.
the result is something like this:
2. How to
for users available for copy and paste
2.1. Localization (optional)
put this at the end of your language file
//hacks "YourPhrase" => "your translation here",
pls. notice that this entry will not survive an Wacko upgrade, so you have to redo this
[xyz] proposed translations
[de] ...
3. To Do
- Fix php code
- Translate (if necessary)
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