# ./adb shell
# ./adb reboot bootloader
# ./adb reboot recovery

#. /fastboot flash boot boot.img
#. /fastboot flash system system.img
#. /fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
#. /fastboot reboot
#. /fastboot reboot-bootloader

# cat /proc/mtd 
dev:    size   erasesize  name
mtd0: 00100000 00040000 "misc"
mtd1: 00500000 00040000 "recovery"
mtd2: 00340000 00040000 "boot"
mtd3: 10400000 00040000 "system"
mtd4: 02300000 00040000 "cache"
mtd5: 09600000 00040000 "userdata"
mtd6: 00a00000 00040000 "devlog"

# cd /sdcard/

cat /dev/mtd/mtd1 > recovery.img
cat /dev/mtd/mtd2 > boot.img
cat /dev/mtd/mtd3 > system.img

# adb pull <remote> <local>
# adb push <local> <remote>

# ./adb shell
[                    hexdump              resize
[[                   id rev
adbd                 insmod               rm ash                  install              rmdir
awk kill                 rmmod
basename             killall              run-parts
bbconfig             killall5             sdparted
bunzip2              killrecovery.sh      sed busybox              length               seq bzcat                less                 setconsole
bzip2                ln setprop
cal losetup              setserial
cat ls setsid
catv                 lsattr               sh chattr               lsmod                sha1sum
chgrp                lspci                sha256sum
chmod                lsusb                sha512sum
choice_fn            lzcat                sleep
chown                lzop                 sort
chroot               lzopcat              split
cksum                makedevs             stat
clear                md5sum               strings
cmp mkdir                stty
cp mke2fs               swapoff
cpio                 mkfifo               swapon
cut mkfs.ext2            sync
date                 mknod                sysctl
dc mkswap               tac dd mktemp               tail
depmod               mkyaffs2image        tar detect_key           modinfo              tee devmem               modprobe             test
df more                 time
diff                 mount                top dirname              mountpoint           touch
dmesg                mv tr
dos2unix             nanddump             true
du nandroid             ttysize
dump_image           nandroid-md5.sh      tune2fs
e2fsck               nandwrite            ueventd
echo                 nice                 umount
edify                nohup                uname
egrep                od unexpand
env offmode_charging     uniq
erase_image          parted               unix2dos
expand               patch                unlzma
expr                 pgrep                unlzop
false                pidof                unxz
fdisk                pkill                unyaffs
fgrep                postrecoveryboot.sh  unzip
find                 power_test           uptime
fix_permissions      printenv             usleep
flash_image          printf               uudecode
fold                 ps uuencode
free                 pstree               volume
freeramdisk          pwd watch
fuser                rdev                 wc getopt               readlink             which
grep                 realpath             whoami
groups               reboot               xargs
gunzip               recovery             xzcat
gzip                 renice               yes head                 reset                zcat


Enable/Disable Wifi

svc help wifi
Control the Wi-Fi manager

usage: svc wifi [enable|disable]
         Turn Wi-Fi on or off.

       svc wifi prefer
          Set Wi-Fi as the preferred data network

Where are saved passwords



Push New Image Rom 

HTC Wildfire S

#  adb push cm-9.0.0-RC2-CRYPTOMILK-ALPHA7-marvel.zip /mnt/sdcard/rom/cm-9.0.0-RC2-CRYPTOMILK-ALPHA7-marvel.zip
931 KB/s (135854255 bytes in 142.360s)



<5>[    5.005035] Creating 7 MTD partitions on "msm_nand":
<5>[    5.005432] 0x00001ff00000-0x000020000000 : "misc"
<5>[    5.007232] 0x000002fc0000-0x0000034c0000 : "recovery"
<5>[    5.010955] 0x0000034c0000-0x000003800000 : "boot"
<5>[    5.013671] 0x000003800000-0x000013c00000 : "system"
<5>[    5.118133] 0x000013c00000-0x000015f00000 : "cache"
<5>[    5.132537] 0x000016900000-0x00001ff00000 : "userdata"
<5>[    5.191131] 0x000015f00000-0x000016900000 : "devlog"

ip a
ip r

# getprop

getprop net.dns1

setprop net.dns1